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You Can Now Paint Happy Little Trees With Multicolor Thermal Paste

You Can Now Paint Happy Little Trees With Multicolor Thermal Paste

How It Works

Thermal paste is used to improve the heat transfer between a CPU and heatsink. It is a thick, paste-like substance that is applied to the CPU before the heatsink is installed. The thermal paste fills in any air gaps between the CPU and heatsink, allowing heat to flow more easily from the CPU to the heatsink.

Multicolor thermal paste is a type of thermal paste that comes in different colors. The different colors are used to distinguish between different types of thermal paste, or to simply add a bit of flair to your build.

Benefits of Using Multicolor Thermal Paste

There are a few benefits to using multicolor thermal paste:

  • It can help you identify different types of thermal paste. If you are using multiple types of thermal paste, multicolor thermal paste can help you keep track of which type is which.
  • It can add a bit of flair to your build. If you are looking to add a bit of color to your build, multicolor thermal paste is a great way to do it.

How to Use Multicolor Thermal Paste

Using multicolor thermal paste is the same as using regular thermal paste. Simply apply a small amount of thermal paste to the CPU before installing the heatsink. Be sure to spread the thermal paste evenly over the surface of the CPU.


Multicolor thermal paste is a great way to identify different types of thermal paste, or to simply add a bit of flair to your build. It is easy to use and can help improve the heat transfer between your CPU and heatsink.
